Speed Up Your Recovery From a Nose Job

March 21 2014

A rhinoplasty, informally called a nose job, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes tissue from the nose to create a better appearance. Some nose jobs are done to reduce the overall size of the nose. Other surgeries may be done to remove bony bumps, large nostrils or other features of the nose. Recovery from a nose job can take several weeks, but you can help to speed your progress by following a few tips.

Average Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

You can generally expect to wear some type of splint on the nose for about a week to stabilize tissues. The patient may have bruising around the nose itself and under the eyes for up to two weeks. This discoloration will dissipate gradually. Some amount of swelling may be visible for up to six weeks. Improvement will continue over several months. The final recovery from a nose job result of the surgery will take up to a year to show itself as fluids leave the tissues and the skin settles over the underlying structures.

Avoid Medications That Promote Bleeding

Your physician will provide the proper pain medication to keep you comfortable after your rhinoplasty procedure. Avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen, which can cause delayed bleeding of the surgery site. Other medications such as gingko, St. Johns wort and vitamin E can also promote bleeding and should be avoided during the recovery period.

Avoiding Strenuous Activity

Your surgeon will instruct you to avoid vigorous physical activity during the recovery period. This will help to reduce excessive blood flow to tissues while they are healing. Limit your activities to work duties and social activities for at least six weeks.

Stay Hydrated

Staying well hydrated is important for the healthiest of people, and even more important for recovery from surgical procedures. Drink plenty of healthy fluids such as fruit juices, clear broths, jello, Gatorade and water.

Elevate the Head When Lying Down

Use two or three pillows to elevate your head when lying down. This will prevent the flow of blood to the head that will cause tender tissues to swell. As healing progresses, you will gradually be more comfortable lying flat.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking causes dilation of the blood vessels that can impede proper healing. This might be a good time to begin your smoking cessation to heal faster after surgery and to stay healthy to enjoy your new, improved appearance.

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