How Soon Can I Exercise after Plastic Surgery?

February 7 2017

Regular exercise is critical in maintaining the results of plastic surgery, particularly body contouring procedures such as liposuction and tummy tuck. Many of our plastic surgery patients are eager to know when it is safe to start or resume exercise following their procedure. In this blog post, our team at Atlanta Plastic and Reconstructive Specialists discusses our recommendations on when it is safe to exercise after undergoing plastic surgery.

General Timeline for Post-op Exercising

Although bed rest is critical during your initial recovery, our team recommends engaging in light exercise as soon as you have energy to do so. Taking short walks several times a day for a few minutes at a time promotes good circulation and helps prevent blood clotting.  During the first few days after surgery, try walking for about five minutes, three times a day. At the one or two week mark, try taking longer walks. At the three week mark, you can continue walking or start to stretch larger muscles like your chest and back. Most patients are able to resume vigorous exercise six weeks after their surgery.

Keep in mind that each patient heals at their own pace. Exercising too soon or too vigorously can not only affect your results but also lead to serious complications. Our plastic surgery team may recommend more recovery time after evaluating your healing progress during your follow-up consultations. Remember to let us know about any unusual pain or discomfort you may be feeling. Our team is committed to helping you recover as safely as possible, but in order to do so, we must know any unusual symptoms you may be feeling.

If you didn’t exercise regularly before your plastic surgery procedure, now is the perfect time to start! Routine exercise and eating healthy can prolong your plastic surgery results. Ideally, you should be engaging in cardio exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week.

Contact Atlanta Plastic and Reconstructive Specialists

To discuss your plastic surgery options, schedule a one-on-one consultation with Atlanta Plastic and Reconstructive Specialists. During your consultation, a member of our team will listen to your aesthetic concerns and goals and evaluate your anatomy in order to design a treatment plan tailor-made for you. Please call our office at (404) 255-2975.