Dr. Bahair Ghazi
Meet Dr. Bahair Ghazi. Dr. Ghazi will work tirelessly to deliver outstanding, individualized results that are delivered in a manner of comfort, safety and with a warm welcoming smile. Dr. Ghazi listens to your desires and is known for outstanding patient education.
“Each patient I meet receives my full undivided attention, state of the art knowledge and emotional support in effort to craft an individualized and outstanding result in the safest most comfortable way possible”
Dr. Ghazi hails from Atlanta, where he spent 8 years training at the world renowned and internationally respected Emory University. Dr. Ghazi’s main concern is for you the patient and he will work tirelessly to bring you outstanding, individualized results that are delivered in a manner of comfort, safety and with a warm smile. His medical interests range from cosmetic surgery for the breasts, body and face as well as breast and body reconstruction.

During his time with the Emory University Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Division Dr. Ghazi was fortunate to have worked and trained under some of the most well-known masters in the fields of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, allowing him to offer you the “best of the newest techniques” as well as traditional approaches from those who helped define the modern field of Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Ghazi has a long history of leadership and research and has authored numerous publications in Plastic Surgery journals and textbooks and has presented at many scientific meetings on subjects dealing with cosmetic breast surgery, cancer surgery of the breasts and reconstruction of the breasts after mastectomy, as well as reconstruction of the chest, and lower extremity. Recently Dr. Ghazi was part of an award winning research team demonstrating the efficacy of a funnel device in reducing bacterial contamination during Breast Augmentation.
Recently, Dr. Ghazi received an award for best surgical innovation of 2014. Dr. Ghazi is a founder of AcCellerate Skin Rejuvenation System, which uses patient stem cells to improve the healing process after a procedure.