Is Plastic Surgery Gifting a Good Idea?

December 7 2016

As the holiday season rolls around, loved ones everywhere are racking their brains to come up with a truly unique and thoughtful gift. As plastic surgery becomes more prevalent and routine, it has started showing up on holiday shoppers’ radars as a new way to show a significant other or family member that you care. However, it’s best to tread lightly and err on the side of caution when it comes to purchasing a voucher for body-altering procedures for another person. As well-intentioned as the gesture may be, giving the gift of plastic surgery can be a touchy subject, and lead to unpleasant conversations down the road. At our Atlanta plastic surgery office, we recommend the following considerations when giving plastic surgery as a gift.

Communication Is Key

The only way to safely gift a cosmetic surgical procedure without overstepping boundaries is to make sure you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what the recipient wants. If your significant other or family member has indicated that he/she absolutely wishes to have plastic surgery, then perhaps a gift certificate to a specialist is in order. The holidays are a great time to get creative and have fun picking presents, and an all-expense paid trip to a cosmetic specialist could be just what the doctor ordered to put the spark back in your relationship. However, be sure to only blaze that trail if your other half has made it abundantly clear it is what he/she desires.

How to Proceed

Once you’ve decided that enabling a cosmetic procedure is the perfect way to check someone off your holiday gift list, find out exactly what the recipient has in mind. If he/she hasn’t actually spoken with a doctor yet, perhaps a gift card for a dollar amount toward an unspecified procedure is the way to go. This allows more flexibility on the patient’s end. Maybe the best gift of all would be a trip to the specialist together. In this way, you would go above and beyond the gift itself by offering your moral support and participating firsthand in the decision making process. Sharing such unique experiences provides an added degree of intimacy for an even higher level of friendship.

Contact Atlanta Plastic and Reconstructive Specialists

Our experts at Atlanta Plastic and Reconstructive Specialists are waiting to answer your questions about plastic surgery and gifting cosmetic or reconstructive procedures. Contact us at (404) 255-2975 to further discuss ways in which to proceed. Call today for a phone consultation with one of our skilled and experienced surgeons.