New Alternatives To Facelift Surgery

July 18 2012

Our faces are the first thing that people notice about us. It is one of the many things that make us unique. Unfortunately, this is also one of the first places that Mother Nature shows her effects on us.

For a lot of people, one of the first areas of the face to show their age is the neck. As we age, our skin tends to lose elasticity and as a result, can begin to sag. In order to address the loose, sagging skin in the neck, a person would have to undergo a full facelift procedure even if the only area to be corrected was the neck. Not any longer.

Thanks to techniques created by Dr. Joel J. Feldman, men and women who are in search of a tight neck and a more youthful profile have a choice. Rather than have a full facelift procedure to correct one specific area, Dr. Feldman created the Corset Platysmaplasty procedure.

Essentially a Corset Platysmaplasty procedure is accomplished by making small incision under the chin. From there, a plastic surgeon can tighten the muscles in the neck and ultimately reshape the jawline. The results are a more youthful neck and lean profile without the need of lifting the skin in the rest of face. The success of the Corset Platysmaplasty procedure is good news for people who have long been unhappy with their necks but did not want to have a full facelift to correct it.

As with any cosmetic procedure, a Corset Platysmaplasty is not for everyone. It is important to do further research regarding this procedure that is gaining in popularity. Each procedure is as unique as the person seeking it, so scheduling a consultation with us can help determine whether a Corset Platysmaplasty will provide the results you desire.

Cosmetic procedures are advancing every day. Don’t spend any more time wondering if there is a solution that is right for you. Make your appointment with The Beauty of Knowledge and get on the path to achieving your body aesthetic goals today!