Unfortunately, this does not tell the whole truth. Although there are many skilled surgeons throughout the world, Americans don’t enjoy the same safeguards when having cosmetic procedures done in foreign countries. If problems occur, recourse may be impossible due to local laws or lack of citizenship where the surgery is performed. Many insurance policies will pay for issues related to domestic cosmetic procedures, but they rarely cover problems resulting from surgery abroad. In some cases, websites convey an image of a medical facility or surgeon that does not reflect the reality confronting patients when they arrive. There is no replacement for the dependability and peace of mind that comes with on-site preparation and aftercare offered by local surgeons. Qualifications and Costs Thanks to agencies that oversee cosmetic surgeons in the US, American patients can easily verify the licenses and reputation of local surgeons they consider. This is not always true in other countries. Besides the risk of being treated by an inexperienced or otherwise unqualified cosmetic surgeon, the chances of receiving surgery in an ill-equipped facility are also very real. Liposuction and many other cosmetic procedures are major surgeries that can result in serious injury or death if performed incorrectly or in unsanitary conditions. When patients consider cosmetic procedures inside the US, it’s possible to interact with doctors and nurses and view a facility’s equipment to make a safe decision based on face-to-face experience. Cosmetic surgery tourism comes with a long list of potential problems that surpass any financial savings that might be found. Cosmetic procedures always come with certain risks. To keep risks low and have confidence in positive results, it’s better to choose a cosmetic surgeon in the United States.
The Dangers of Cosmetic Surgery Tourism
March 21 2014
More people are visiting foreign countries for cheap healthcare, and cosmetic surgery is no exception. However, having liposuction or other cosmetic procedures done in Central America, Southeast Asia or elsewhere can be risky business. While there’s no doubt that money can often be saved with this practice, the problems that may result can be far more costly immediately and in the long term. The Pros Accompanied by Complications The increasing numbers of people who go abroad for cosmetic surgery is encouraging for some patients in need of these procedures.After all, one may reason that if a friend or family member were successful in taking this risk, it would seem to be a safe option. There are definitely some positive experiences among stories of foreign cosmetic surgery.