Common Questions about Cheek Augmentation

February 16 2016

Cheek augmentation using implants is a facial rejuvenation procedure used to add fullness and improve the shape of cheeks that have become hollow or sunken over time. If you are considering cheek augmentation, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, the Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists answer commonly asked questions regarding the procedure.

What Does Cheek Augmentation Accomplish?

Cheek augmentation can add shape and volume to your cheeks, enhancing your overall facial appearance. As you age, your face loses some of its fullness and the skin tends to sag. Cheek augmentation surgery restores fullness for a more youthful appearance. The Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists can enhance the cheeks using dermal fillers or implants.

Why Should I Choose Cheek Implants Over Dermal Fillers?

You should choose implants over a dermal filler treatment if you seek long-lasting results. Dermal fillers are a temporary solution for fuller, younger-looking cheeks. Repeated treatments are necessary to maintain results. Cheek augmentation with implants is considered to be permanent.

What Happens During Cheek Augmentation Surgery?

Cheek augmentation surgery takes approximately one to one-and-half hours to perform. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will make a small incision inside the mouth. Next, he or she will position the cheek implant in a small pocket under the skin. The plastic surgeon then closes the incisions with sutures.

Am I Going to Have Scars?

Cheek augmentation does leave scars; however, because the incisions are made inside the mouth, scarring is not visible.

What Are the Risks Involved?

Complications from cheek augmentation are rare. Some of the inherent risks that come with cheek augmentation include infection, nerve damage and excessive bleeding. Before your surgery, your plastic surgeon will discuss in detail with you these risks and work with you to find the best surgical treatment to achieve your goals safely.

How Long Do I Need to Take Off From Work?

You can expect to take at least one week off from work to allow yourself to heal from the procedure. However, it is important to note that because this surgical procedure is performed on a part of your body that is hard to conceal — your cheeks — you will want to wait several weeks before attending social events. We recommend postponing major social events for at least four weeks to allow the swelling and bruising to subside. Your plastic surgeon will follow up with you after surgery to determine when it is safe for you to resume your normal activities.

How Soon Will I See Results?

You will notice an immediate difference in the size and shape of your cheeks right after surgery. However, this is not the final result; it may take a few months to realize the final results. Following surgery you should expect to have swelling in the area around the cheeks. The swelling is temporary and should subside within a few weeks.

Do you have more questions about cheek augmentation? Learn more about the procedure and what results to expect by scheduling a one-on-one consultation today. Please call the Atlanta & Reconstructive Specialists at 404-255-2975.