Choosing Rhinoplasty

November 29 2020

Many patients who choose rhinoplasty hope for a nose with a more modest profile, one that will play a less central role in their facial appearance. Just as moderation is the goal for most adults who select this surgical solution, subtlety should be the guiding principle for any surgeon performing rhinoplasty. 

Here, the experienced plastic surgeons of Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists review the basics of rhinoplasty, including elements of the procedure, key benefits and variables to consider when selecting the procedure.

Features With Flair

Although injuries and medical conditions are often the motivation for undergoing rhinoplasty, aesthetic concerns are what have made the procedure one of the most requested plastic surgeries, here and around the world.

Popular modifications include straightening the nose, changing its angle, reshaping the tip, narrowing the bridge and altering the flare of the nostrils. Often the most noticeable change results from a subtle surgical modification. That is why extraordinary skill and meticulous attention to detail are essential traits in any plastic surgeon performing rhinoplasty.

The Procedure

The trusted surgeons of Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists perform rhinoplasty as an outpatient procedure, using general anesthesia. With the “open technique,” the surgeon makes an incision at the base of the nose, between the nostrils. An alternative procedure known as the “closed technique” involves placing the incision inside the nostrils.

The open technique gives the surgeon a comprehensive view of the internal structure of your nose, and helps ensure a more precise outcome. It will also leave a small scar under the nose that will fade with time. During both types of procedures, cartilage is removed and repositioned, and the bone is sometimes fractured and reshaped. Cartilage or bone taken from other areas can be added to build volume. The entire process requires one to two hours.

The Unveiling

Rhinoplasty is a process whose final result is slowly revealed over a period of months. Just as your rhinoplasty procedure will bring a dramatic change in your facial appearance, it’s also a major event for the nose itself, requiring time for delicate tissues, cartilage and bone to heal.

Depending on the complexity of your procedure, swelling can persist for a year, and sometimes longer. This is especially true of the tip of the nose. Fortunately, most swelling will subside within two months, and you should be ready to present your new facial profile to the world in about two weeks.

To learn more about rhinoplasty, schedule a personal consultation with one of the experienced plastic surgeons of Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists. Call our Northside office at (404) 255-2975 or our Piedmont office at (404) 343-0897 today. 

Categories: Blog, Rhinoplasty