Common Questions about Vaginal Rejuvenation

June 20 2018

Recent statistics show that the number of women requesting vaginal rejuvenation, also known as labiaplasty, is rising. Vaginal rejuvenation is a surgical procedure that reshapes and resizes the inner and/or outer lips of the vagina. Because the interest in vaginal rejuvenation is increasing, Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists thought it would be helpful to answer frequently asked questions about the procedure in this blog post.

Am I a candidate for vaginal rejuvenation?

You may be a suitable candidate for vaginal rejuvenation if you experience any of the following problems:

  • Feeling of self-consciousness or embarrassment due to the appearance of your labia
  • Pain or discomfort during physical activities (e.g., bike riding, sexual intercourse) due to loose or excess labial skin and tissue
  • Discomfort in the vaginal area when wearing tight-fitting clothing

In addition, candidates should be in good overall health and not smoke. Because weight fluctuations can alter the cosmetic effects of vaginal rejuvenation, it is recommended that patients wait to have the procedure until after they are done having children. To find out if you are a candidate, schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.

What does the procedure entail?

The exact details of labiaplasty will depend on the degree of correction needed and the agreed-upon results. In general, labiaplasty involves making small incisions on the labia to remove excess skin and tissue. The remaining skin and tissue are repositioned and tightened for a more aesthetically-pleasing appearance.

Is there noticeable scarring after vaginal rejuvenation?

Because the incisions for labiaplasty are typically made in the inner lips of the labia, scarring will not be visible.

What can I expect during recovery?

The initial recovery process takes one to two weeks. During this time, you will need to avoid normal activities, including work, exercise, bending and lifting. Side effects including soreness, swelling and bruising in the genital area are normal and should subside over time. Oral pain medication can be prescribed to reduce pain and discomfort. Vigorous exercise can be resumed three to four weeks after surgery, while sexual intercourse may need to be avoided for approximately four to six weeks, depending on your doctor’s orders.

How can I learn more?

One of our trusted plastic surgeons can discuss the procedure in detail with you during an in-office consultation. To schedule a consultation, please call our Northside office at (404) 255-2975 or our Piedmont office at (404) 343-0897.