Breast Procedures Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation & Implants

Millions of women seek breast augmentation surgery each year to enhance smaller breasts, correct asymmetry, or to simply boost their self-esteem. With the popularity of this surgery at an all-time high, there are many options for women in regard to technique and implant type. Our practice helps our breast augmentation Atlanta patients get the fuller, perkier chest they’ve dreamed of.

Mammaplasty is a surgical treatment where by the volume and form of a woman’s breast tissue is enhanced using implants. Because each woman’s body is different, each surgery is individualized to fit each woman’s body type and end goals.

During your first consultation with our team, we’ll review your current health status and discuss which surgical techniques will be most effective to help you achieve your goals. For women who have sagging breasts due to age or child bearing, a breast lift procedure may be discussed as well.

Cosmetic Body Contouring in Atlanta
Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos

Why Choose Breast Augmentation Surgery?

There are many benefits to women both physically and psychologically. One of the biggest benefits of a breast enhancement procedure is the boost to self-confidence. Breasts are a vital part of the child bearing process, they are uniquely feminine, and they can contribute to a woman feeling sexy. Regardless of the reason you feel a need to change your body, one thing is for certain; the satisfaction of the patient is one of the biggest benefits of the procedure.

  • Asymmetrical Breasts: when the size difference is very noticeable it can make a woman feel abnormal or self-conscious. Surgery can correct this asymmetry and provide a woman with a sense of normalcy about her body.
  • Small chested: having an augmentation can not only boost confidence but make them feel more attractive. Many women (and men) consider a full, ample bust line to be sexy. Women with smaller breasts can feel as though they are lacking the curves associated with femininity. Moving ahead with this procedure can alleviate that anxiety and make them more comfortable with their body.
  • Sagging: can be corrected with surgery. Whether this sagging and loss of volume has occurred due to age, weight loss, pregnancy, or other reasons, restoring volume by adding implants can restore the body to its rightful state and help women regain the body image they once had.
  • Illness or an accident: The loss of contour and shape is common among women who have survived cancer. Having surgery to enhance or reconstruct a damaged breast can make a woman feel complete again and help not only the physical healing process, but the emotional one as well.

No matter what your reasons are for wanting breast augmentation surgery, Atlanta Plastic and Reconstructive Specialists is here to support you on your journey.

Breast Augmentation Video

Breast Contouring in Atlanta

Breast Augmentation Consultation

Every cosmetic procedure begins with a consultation. The consultation serves a variety of purposes, the most important of which is the opportunity for you to get to know your surgeon and vice versa. A cosmetic procedure requires trust from both the patient and the surgeon. Taking the time to feel comfortable with one another ensures a good working relationship and the best possible results.

Consultations are also a time for asking questions and gathering information. It is important to understand the process associated with your breast enhancement procedure so that you know what to expect. This can help alleviate any anxiety you may have regarding the surgery.

The consultation is also a time for your Atlanta plastic surgeon to gather pertinent health information. Just as it is important for you to have all the necessary information to move forward with confidence, it is important for the surgeon to understand you and your body to be able to provide you with the best possible recommendations.

Breast Implant Surgery Details

The procedure involves making an incision under the seam of your breast, circling your areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple), or under your armpit. The implant is placed either beneath your breast tissue or under the chest wall muscle. Incisions are closed with care to make the scar as unnoticeable as possible.

There will be some time and discomfort associated with surgery but it is easily manageable. The results of your surgery will be visible soon after and you’ll be free to enjoy your newly transformed body.

Regardless of the reason for your surgery, Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists can help you achieve your breast aesthetic goals. Don’t dream of having the breasts you’ve always wanted, take the first step and schedule your consultation today.

Whether your desire is to repair naturally misshapen breasts, to enlarge size, to change the look post child bearing or age, or to improve an individual’s self- image, we can help you in gaining the wanted end result.

How to Choose the Right Breast Implant Size

If you are considering breast implants or breast augmentation in Atlanta, you may be wondering what size is ideal. Don’t think in terms of cup sizes; they are too subjective to use as a basis for your decision. A C cup on one woman can look completely different on another. A woman could be a 34B in one brand of bra and a 36A in another. Cup sizes can even vary within a single manufacturer’s product lines. Instead, think in terms of what will fit your body proportionally. Your personal target size will depend on a number of factors:

  • Physical activity: if you are a golfer, runner or serious athlete, keep in mind the way breast size can affect your physical activities.
  • Maternity: if you plan to have children in the future, this can result in a permanent change in breast size and may necessitate having the implants replaced. The effect of maternity on breast size can vary.
  • Symmetry: one reason for getting breast implants is lopsidedness. Sometimes, one breast implant is all you need to create an even appearance.
  • Weight and ergonomics: breast implants will add weight and will affect the dynamics of your musculoskeletal structure. Be sure to let the surgeon know if you have back, neck or joint problems.
  • Aesthetics: think about how your breast size will affect the way people perceive you. For example, if a patient loves the look of obviously large breasts but has a shy or reserved personality, she may receive more outside attention than she is prepared for.

When you are preparing for breast implant surgery, you will be able to wear a variety of different “sizers” that will show you what your profile looks like with the new breast size. In order to get a more complete view of which size is ideal, it can be helpful to bring a couple of different shirts to try on. Make sure you are happy with the way you look regardless of whether you are wearing a t-shirt or a cocktail dress.

Breastfeeding & Breast Implants

One of the most common questions our Atlanta breast augmentation patients have is whether or not they can breastfeed with their implants. While breastfeeding with implants is safe, proper breastfeeding can depend on the incisions used to place the implants. Our surgeons will use one of two incision patterns. The first involves making an incision under the seam of the breast at the fold. Because the incision is placed close to the nipple, the milk ducts may be at risk, interfering with a woman’s ability to breastfeed. If you plan on nursing in the future, our surgeons may recommend making an incision under the armpit, away from the nipple and milk ducts.

For best results, our surgeons recommend women have breast augmentation only after they plan on not having any more children. A woman’s breast tissue and skin elasticity changes after pregnancy and nursing, affecting the shape and size of the breast. Once the breast size and shape are stabilized, our team of surgeons can design a surgical treatment plan to best achieve the patient’s cosmetic goals. Depending on the patient’s concerns, our surgeons may suggest breast augmentation and/or breast lift to improve the size, shape and position of the breasts.

Debunking Breast Augmentation Myths

Atlanta Breast Augmentation patient:

  • “You have to have breast implants replaced every five years.” This is one of the most common erroneous thoughts about this type of cosmetic surgery. Breast implants can last decades in many cases. Some patients do end up coming back to have their implants replaced, but this is more often because they want to have their breasts lifted or to change the shape or size. If your implants feel hard or don’t look as good as they used to, call your surgeon to talk about a revision surgery. If they are still soft and look the way you want them to, then there’s no need to have them replaced.
  • “Everyone will be able to tell.” Today’s breast augmentation procedures and materials are designed to help your implants look as natural as possible. Your surgeon will talk to you about choosing implants that are the right size for your body frame and current size; this will help avoid the appearance of having breast implants. Although implants do not feel as soft as your natural breasts, they should not feel hard. Your surgeon will give you advice that will help keep your breasts feeling as natural as possible.
  • “Silicone can leak all over your body.” Decades ago, a type of implant was often used that did allow for leakage and migration of the silicone liquid inside. Today, this type of implant is no longer used. Instead, the silicone implants are made so that if they were to break in some rare circumstance, the silicone would stay put. To reassure you further, it’s important to be aware that there were no autoimmune problems or cancers linked to leaking silicone implants, even back in the late 20th century, when they were used.

To learn more about breast augmentation or breast lift, contact the Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists today. A member of our friendly medical staff will gladly answer all of your questions and concerns. Schedule a one-on-one consultation by calling us today!